A workshop that enables a group of people to develop solutions to social or technological problems. Time is first dedicated to understanding current problems and then there are sessions that focus on innovative ways to eliminate current problems and consider potential future scenarios. A future workshop emphasizes critique, learning, team work, democracy, and empowerment. It is particularly useful when the participants have little experience with processes of creative decision making.
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The Future Workshop<. Vidal Rene Victor Valqui. Economic Analysis Working Papers , 5, 2006 (4) page 21.
This report describes the origins, principles and practice of The Future Workshop. The fundamental theory and principles of the method are presented, together with practical guidelines to carry out a workshop.
The Future Workshop<, Heino Apel, 2004.
This paper describes the origin of the method, the methodological steps (phases) and discusses the strengths and weakness of the approach.
Wikipedia Future Workshop<
Future Workshop<. Chauncey Wilson, February 2011.
This short article provides a brief overview of the future workshop method.
Jungk, R, & Müllert, N. (1987). Future workshops: How to create desirable futures. London: Institute for Social Inventions.
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