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Content Organization

Content pages are organized to be useful to a wide range of users. They provide a definition and simple overview to the topic, as well as linked references to the most important information about that topic that is available on the Web or in print. They can also contain additional detail that is useful for specific audiences, or to explore questions that are a source of active debate within the profession.

Because of the way that Usability BoK content is managed using a database, it is possible in the future to use particular chunks of content from a Topic page. For example, if a user indicates that they are an HR manager or journalist, rather than a usability practitioner, they may have the option to see only the 'overview' (title, definition, and simple description) for each Topic, as a way of matching the content to their experience and need for information.

Here is an illustration of the main elements of content within each topic page:


Can 'Authoritative' and 'Contributed' Content Co-exist in a Living Model?

The above content model has some interesting attributes in our community-collaborative world. It helps resolve the tensions between:

  • A strong editorial process, creating an authoritative/definitive 'Body of Knowledge' that can support activities like professional development and certification within the profession, as well as acting as a consistent reference for people outside the profession.
  • A community collaborative process, creating a living, dynamic reference guide that keeps the profession relevant to the social and organizational contexts in which it operates, and maintains information over time.

The content model provides a lightweight segmentation of content between the authoritative 'overview' and the potentially more dynamic 'detail'. While the current features don't include specific implementation of that editorial segmentation, it is something to consider as part of the technology roadmap going forward, if it is considered valuable by the Association and the user community.

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